About Us
Aero-Septic Maintenance, Inc. has been family owned and operated for over 15 years. Our goal is to meet all your septic needs, and to satisfy each of our customers. If you have a septic question please call us, if we don’t know the answer we will get it for you. All of our technicians are certified and knowledgeable when it comes to your Aerobic system.
Our office is conveniently located in Tomball, Texas on FM 2920. We offer walk-in specials at our location for all our customers and non-customers. We offer great prices on pumps and spray heads for homeowners that feel handy and would like to save money too. If you have a cracked lid or you need a riser on your system, come on by we have it all. While you are here you can pick up a box of Enzymes or even a bucket of Chlorine.
We are open Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM. We have a technician on call on weekends and ALL HOLIDAYS. We strive to be #1 in customer service with a smile.